A. You can change where the My Documents and My Pictures shortcuts point to by performing the following steps:
- Start regedit.exe.
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders.
- Double-click Personal (for My Documents) and change the value.
- Double-click My Pictures and change the value.
- Close regedit.
- Log off and restart the machine for the change to take effect.
You can also redirect these folders using a Group Policy Object (GPO)–look under User Configuration, Windows Settings, Folder Redirection. Right-click a folder, and select its redirection.
Another method to move the My Documents is as follows:
- On the Desktop right click the The My Documents Folder Icon
- Select Properties
- Click Move, and select your new location
Everything is moved automatically, including the My Picture Reference.