Maand: februari 2022

This quick tutorial is going to show you how to get your Linux system information in terminal with a command line utility called screenfetch. Screenfetch can display the following information: the name of your distro Linux kernel version uptime the number of installed packages on your system shell name and version screen resolution the name and version of your […]

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Set Root password After login to Ubuntu 20.04, Now type following command for reset/set root password. sudo passwd root Now you need to change some configuration on /etc/ssh/ssh_config for the permit root login. Configure SSH config to permit root login Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config file with following command. vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config   As you see, the PermitRootLogin is set to No. It means […]

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Requirements for downgrade: Downgrade from Windows 11 to Windows 10 is subject to fulfil some requirements. Here are they: You can only downgrade to Windows 10 within the 10 days of your upgrade. For example, if you upgraded to Windows 11on 1 Sept, 2021, then you can downgrade within 10 days. If you want to […]

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1. Overview SSH, the secure shell, is often used to access remote Linux systems. Because we often use it to connect with computers containing important data, it’s recommended to add another security layer. Here comes the two factor authentication (2FA). What is two-factor authentication Multi-factor authentication is a method of confirming your identity using at […]

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