Things to set when you use the LDAP authentication when use openvpn and Windows server 2016 AD.


First on Windows install active directory lightweight directory services.


Base DN for User Entries:

DC=domeinnaam, DC=nl


Openvpn and users that only have access when they in the VPN group.

Additional LDAP Requirement: (Advanced)


memberOf=CN=vpn users, OU=VPN toegang groep, DC=domeinnaam, DC=nl


Groep that have access : vpn users Location OU: VPN toegang groep. DC: domeinnaam


This additional requirement uses LDAP query syntax. E.g., to require that the user be a member of a particular LDAP group (specified by DN) use this filter:

memberOf=CN=VPN Users, CN=Users, DC=example, DC=net