# First start/run on the computer with PowerShell where to add the new local administrator account. 

(Start-Process powershell.exe -Credential $(Get-Credential) -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList “Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb runAs $($OpenFileDialog.Filename)”)

The new shell is now administrator. Copy and paste all from now in the administrator shell!!!

## copy paste all in the new administrator shell##
# show local users on computer.
net user

# Add new user to local computer. Nieuw account : maikeladministrator Password : NieuwPass!
net user maikeladministrator NieuwPass! /add

# add the new user to the local administrators group.

net localgroup administrators maikeladministrator /add

# Show if the new user is added?

net user

# New user & password :  maikeladministrator NieuwPass!
Reboot or change computer account computer and log in with the new credentials and start TeamViewer with this user.