The latest version of Exchange Online Powershell Module, EXO V2, that we are going to use supports modern authentication and will work with MFA. So you don’t need to create an app password anymore.

Requirements for EXO V2

The new Exchange Online PowerShell module only works on PowerShell 5.x and lower. It doesn’t work on Linux or Mac. Support for PowerShell 6 and 7 is planned, but there is no release date announced yet.

You will need to configure PowerShell to run remote scripts. By default this is disabled.

  1. Open PowerShell in an elevated mode
    Press Windows key + X and choose Windows PowerShell (admin)
  2. Set the execution policy to Remote Signed:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

You only need to set this once per computer. If haven’t set the execution policy and try to connect to Exchange Online you will get an error:

Files cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. Provide a valid certificate with which to sign the files.

Install the Exchange Online V2 Module in PowerShell

We need to install the EXO V2 Module in PowerShell before we can connect to Exchange Online. Again open an Elevated Windows PowerShell window:

  1. Open PowerShell in an elevated mode
    Press Windows key + X and choose Windows PowerShell (admin)
  2. Install PowerShellGet
    We need to install PowerShellGet before we can install the EXO V2 Module.
# Close and re-open your PowerShell window when done
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force
  1. Install EXO V2 module
    We can now install the latest Exchange Online PowerShell module with the Install-Module cmdlet
# Add -Force to it when you need to update EXO V1.
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force

Automatically check if EXO Module is installed

Are you going to use the Exchange Online module in a script? Then make sure you automatically check if the module is installed before your try to connect.

With the use of a single cmdlet, we can list all installed modules in PowerShell. You can prevent unnecessary errors by simply verifying that the ExchangeOnlineManagement module is available.

(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement) -ne $null

The cmd above should return a list of installed Exchange Online modules. If the result is empty, then we know that the module isn’t installed.

Connect to Exchange Online with PowerShell

With the Exchange Online Module installed we can now easily connect to Exchange Online with a single cmd in PowerShell:

Use the O365 admin credentials.
Check agenda rights
Copy paste the lines:

$name = Read-Host ‘For which user are you requesting calendar data?

Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity ${name}:\agenda

Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity ${name}:\calendar




Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity “” | Format-List